W.I.S.E. Youth Basketball League - WYBL
WYBL Spring- Summer -Winter Recreation Programs
Youth Basketball Recreational League in Spring, Summer, and Winter
Build basketball skills, meet new friends and have fun!
Ages 7 to 16 years old - boys and girls
All levels of experience
All games played in Laurel Parks & Recs Facilities
What to expect during the WYBL Program:
Teams will be determined after the “Nothing But Fundamentals” Clinic
Ages 7- 16 -Divisions determined by registrations
Practices are 1 day per week for 1 hour; held weekday evenings
:Practices and Games are held at
-Laurel Armory -422 Montgomery St, Laurel
-Robert J DiPietro Community Center, 7901 Cypress St, Laurel, MD
-Multiservice Center, 204 Fort Meade Rd, Laurel, MD
Includes Team Jersey
Games officiated by board certified IAABO #134 Referees
An email will be sent with your Coach name and practice information after coaches are identified and teams created